They have installed a massive display of Pauls boutique handbags right at the front of the entrance to Fenwicks since the last time I went in: I don't go in very often because i'm really not that big a fan of Brent Cross: there are only ever about 5-6 shops I want to go into! It's certainly an eyecatching and colourful display (I noticed it straight away and got my camera out!) but I can't decide how I feel about the brand:
They're very kitsch bags (something I usually like) and on the plus side the shapes are classic and usable. I just don't enjoy the excessive branding and the overuse of neon pink. These aren't cheap bags, but they looks and feel very cheap: they remind me of hubba bubba bubble gum packets: I used to love that stuff when I was a kid! I think this is a teen brand but the prices seem to be more target to twenty-somethings: I certainly didn't ever have enough pocket money to buy a £80 bag when I was a teenager! I also can't escape the feeling that you could do this yourself: the badges, charms and ribbons would be so easy to create and attach to any old bag. So effectively all you are really paying for it a brand.
What do you think of Pauls boutique? Would you ever buy on of these bags? Interested to know where you'd place the brand too, as I can't decide where I think it sits!
Love, Tor xx
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