Thursday, September 23, 2010

I broke in my new clogs....

I think i've mentioned it, oh, about a million times before, but my favourite film is Clueless. So it was with much amusement that I recreated a classic line from the film last night when Mike asked "so what did you do today?" and I replied "I broke in my new clogs"

But it was true: my greatest achievement of the day was that I wore my new clogs for the whole day and they didn't hurt my feet! Normally if I buy shoes that hurt my feet they go to the back of the cupboard, never to be seen again. But I loved these shoes, and they cost me £60 from Topshop, so far too much money (for me at least!) to just put them away!

The first day I wore them I was in agony: I had to take them off by lunchtime. My little toe had been rubbed so sore that it started bleeding and they rubbed my heels with every step I took. Day Two and I covered my feet in plasters but the pain was still there: I wore the shoes all day but by the time I was heading home I was limping! I had a day off wearing them, then tried again for what i'd decided would be the final time: By day three (yesterday) they were broken! I think the problem was that the wooden bases were very hard, and the leather was very stiff, but by the third wear it had given a little and was much more plyable! Hurray!

How long does it take you to break in new shoes? And do you usually persevere, or do you push them to one side if they aren't comfortable on first wearage?

Love, Tor xx

PS - The article I wrote about the first day of London Fashion Week for TKMaxx is now live on their site if you want to check it out!

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