Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Sales 2011: More from River Island

Hi guys,
I know this is no surprise, but I just couldn't resist popping back in to River Island for another peek at the sales. I approached them with a different attitude this time though: instead of looking for stuff I could wear now (because there definitely isn't much of that in their sale) I decided to look for summer clothes I could wear for my honeymoon, as well as for the summer when the weather finally perks up a bit.

With this new shift in attitude (driven by my new found obsession with forward planning) I found plenty more dresses I wanted to add to my (admittedly rather large) collection:
From top to bottom the dresses were: green dress (£10) Spotty dress (£10) Grey smock (£15) Cream ruffled dress (£10) Black dress (£20) Nude lace dress (£10)

I picked up the first two dresses: the green ruffled mini dress and the nude and gold polka dot dress. I loved the gentle draping from the hips of the nude dress, and have never been able to resist mint green or ruffles! Everything else, in my opinion, looked pretty terrible. The black dress was the one I was most excited to get into the changing room, but it ended up looking the worst: it's always the way!

Have you guys had any sales bargains? Are there any sales I haven't checked out yet that you think have been fantastic? Share you're secrets, I need to hit the shops!

Love, Tor x

PS - I just had a funny thought! I show the Apple iPhone more in these blog posts than they do on their own website! Free advertising or what!?

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