Thursday, February 17, 2011

London Fashion Week: One day to go!

Hi guy,
Well as you probably know (unless you live in a media-less cave) there is just one day to go until the start of London Fashion Week. My tickets are organised, my e-tickets are printed, and i've just started panicking about what i'm going to wear. I always realise too late that I should do more prep: I have three designers to interview and I haven't written a single question yet. So it is going to be a very late night for me!
Luckily, the lovely folks at vitaminwater (one of the official London Fashion Week sponsors) have sent me over a fashion week survival kit to help get me organised: I can't wait to try out the dermalogica kit, which couldn't have come at a better time, as i'm suffering a horrible break out. And who knows, maybe a bottle of vitamin water (or eight!) will sort out my addled brain and help me get myself organised: the clock is ticking!

Keep checking back for all of my show coverage, pictures of other lovely bloggers, and other fun fashion week happenings!

Love, Tor xx

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