Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm back: Gratuitous wedding pictures!

Hi guys,
Well i'm back: thanks for bearing with me whilst I abandoned you for sun, sea, and sand! (Speaking of which, i'll be showing you the way I wore my honeymoon in a later post!) In the meantime, because it's vaguely fashion related and because i'm so excited I could scream, my wedding photos have arrived, and I just have to share!

Here, now that I can finally share them, are the outfit details:
- My (more traditional than everyone expected) dress was by Veromi: I was sold by its heavily beaded bodice and the impractically long train

-My peach satin shoes were Dior, my veil was from The Bridal Shop in Skegness

-My necklace was a surprise wedding present from the Mr (from Mikey) and I think it looked fabulous: I was planning to wear a turquoise pendant on my mum's gold chain (my something borrowed) which I instead wrapped around my wrist.

- A special mention (and huge thank you!) needs to be said to my hair stylist Kelly Gration. I wanted something crazily curly and Marie Antoinette inspired, whilst still keeping my trademark fringe; the look was more than achieved, and it stayed in all day, which is quite a feat! (She really is fabulous: if you're in Lincolnshire and looking for a hairdresser let me know and i'll put you in touch!)

- I decided for a peaches and cream look for my make up, which was a mix of Chanel and Dior, with a Benefit blusher. Lil sis (and make up expert) helped with the application: I was really pleased with the overall look.

-My bridesmaids wore dresses from Debenhams and BHS respectively. Their satin boleros were from The Bridal Shop Skegness, their shoes and brooches were Debenhams, and I made their headpieces myself.

-Finally, my photographer was a chap called Dan Sunderland: if you're getting married in or near Norfolk, I couldn't recommend him more! This is less than 1% of the photos he took, which I selected for their dress showing abilities, rather than because they're the best ones! He couldn't have been better.

OK, I guess you're now all wedding-ed out! I promise i'll try not to mention it again for a little while: it's back to reality for me!
Love, Tor xx

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