Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fabfrocks at Home: The car boot kitchen!

Hi guys,

Well the bank holiday was over days ago (it feels like months), and what a wash out it was: I've never spent a weekend in August feeling so cold! We still managed to make the most of it though. I went home to visit my parents, and we hit some of my favourite car boot sales. I always love the carboot sales in Lincolnshire: there are a lot more of them, and they're a lot cheaper than the sales in London.

This weekend I cleaned up on the homewear front:




I got the Hornsea terrine for £2 and the coffee jar for 50p. That gives me a new mission of finding the tea and sugar jars to match! The MidWinter soup bowls were £2 for the set of 4 and I got the whole trifle set (dish and 6 bowls) for £2 too.

In fact, £2 was my favourite price, as that's how much I paid for the mirror as well: the mirror needs a good clean, but it was such a bargain! I really love the shape of it, which reminds me of an old-fashioned TV when it's turned on it's side.

Have you had any good car boot sale bargains lately? I love hearing about what people are managing to pick up!

Love, Tor x

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