Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My favourite Christmas party dresses

Hi guys,
In the famous words of Noddy Holden; It's Chrriistmaaasss!!! Yes, the tree is up in our house and I've already started wrapping presents and hiding them under the tree. In fashion terms, that can mean only one thing: it's time to find the perfect Christmas party dress. Despite the fact I'd much rather stay at home on a Saturday night (sad but true) I love party dresses and have far too many of them, so finding the perfect frock is one of my favourite things about Christmas.

Here are some of the finest party dresses I've discovered so far, during my many hours of trawling through the interwebs. Of course, I'll always opt for the blackest dress I can find (I'm nothing if not predictable) but if you're more adventurous than me, this is a great season for colour:
1. Strapless brocade dress, Very.co.uk, £49
2. Yellow shift dress, Topshop Limited Edition, £165
3. One shoulder dress, ASOS, £48.50
4. Ballerina flower dress, Oasis, £110
5. Alice by Temperley dress, My-Wardrobe, £595
6. Rubens print dress, Vivienne Westwood, £480
7. Gold sequin party dress, Motel, £58
8.Embellished one shoulder dress, Clothing at Tesco, £36
9. Michael Kors ostrich feather dress, Net-a-porter, £305

If I could afford it, my first choice would be the Vivienne Westwood dress: the pattern is amazing, and it was just made for curves. On my budget though, my favourite dress is the brocade number from Very.co.uk. I love a good strapless dress, and if it's good enough for Holly Willoughby then it's good enough for me!

If you like the Motel dress (pictured above) or any of the other dresses they have on their site for that matter, then I have a special treat for you! Motel have kindly offered you guys 15% off anything on their website from today until Sunday 4th December. Just enter the code SEQUIN15 at the checkout!

Love Tor xx

PS - If you want to WIN a party dress rather than buy one, don't forget to enter my awesome Christmas party competition!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The great big surgery debate


Hi guys,
Everyone has body hang ups. I have good days and bad days, but I’m not unaware of the fact that I am round in the middle and I have bingo wings that still shake long after my arms are still. It’s just that I’m accepting of them, if not actually in love with them! Which I think is why I find debates about plastic surgery so interesting (especially those infamous and judgmental stories you read on the Daily Mail).

I’d like to say I’d never consider cosmetic surgery but it’s not quite true. Just before my wedding I spent hours researching laser liposuction, only to ultimately make the decision that it just wasn’t for me. Aside from the expense (which would have meant I would've had to have a much smaller wedding dress) and my wimpish fear of any pain, I made the decision that I want to be happy with what I’ve got, flaws and all, no matter how hard that seems some days! That's in part why I started this blog: to show that people who love fashion come in all different shapes and sizes.

Everyone creates fantasy surgery lists (or at least, my friends and I do after we've had a couple of drinks!) A spot of lipo here, a chin implant there (just me?!), rhinoplasty, and more work on boobs than you can bear to think about!

Of course, that's all it is: a fantasy. Everyone says they'd have all the surgery in the world, but in reality, I don't actually think I know anyone that would go through with it.

But that doesn’t mean I’m anti-plastic surgery. I think for some people, it’s the right decision to make. If you spend your life being so unhappy with something about your body that it affects your relationships both with other people and yourself, then what's the harm in changing it? If you can afford it, and it will enrich your life in some way, that's an individual decision. Unless you get addicted and start to look like Katie Price, of course. That's a whole other story....

How do you feel about plastic surgery? Is it something you would consider or definitely not for you?

Love Tor

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Clinic Compare

Daily wear: Wrapping up for winter

Hi guys,
I am currently in the middle of a horrible flu (hence my slightly zombie-like face) so decided that wrapping up warm in lots of faux fur was the only solution. I love the layering possibilities you get with winter dresssing, and took full advantage today by teaming a cardigan with my leather jacket, then throwing my new jewel collared gilet on top:
Whenever i'm ill I very lazily just throw on jeans and a top: the effort of putting tights on is all too much! These jeans are from Topshop, the top is Primark. The bag (which is covered in gold studs underneath) is Friis & Co, and the gilet with the awesome jewel collar is Cynthia Rowley: both from TKMaxx. The leather jacket underneath is my trusty River Island one.

The Jonak brown ankle boots are my new favourite boots in the world, c/o Sarenza. I love the gold detailing at the toe, and they have a low heel meaning they look smart, but aren't too high that I couldn't wear them all day: perfect!

I love this super cozy outfit: perfect for casual chilly days. We're going to Berlin for four days on Friday: I think this outfit will definitely be making the cut to come with me!

Love Tor x

Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Competition: Win a new party dress and a make up masterclass!!

Hi guys,
I love to get dressed up at Christmas. Whether its a sparkly frock for a girls night out, something slick for the office Christmas 'do, or even my reindeer jumper for cosy Christmas eve walks, Christmas is the perfect time to invest in a new festive outfit or two, and try to look your best.

So as you can imagine, I was delighted when Clothing at Tesco got in touch and offered me the chance to choose a party dress from the massive selection on their site, AND a make up masterclass (in the comfort of my own home) for me and a gaggle of my girlfriends!
There were so many dresses to choose from (as you can see!) but in the end I opted for the Rise Boutique floral applique prom dress in the picture above. I can't wait for it to arrive so I can show it off to you all!

And because those lovely folks at Clothing at Tesco are feeling festively generous, and didn't want you to miss out, they'e offering you the chance to WIN any party dress from their site, and a make up masterclass for you and up to 9 friends from Jemma Kidd Make up masterclass @Home.

All you have to do to enter is 1) be a follower of the blog (follow using the box to your right) and 2) Leave a comment on this post detailing the dress you would like to win from the Clothing at Tesco site. Easy peasy!!

The winner will be picked at random on Friday 9th December at 12pm. Good luck!!

Love Tor xx

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

River Island S/S preview

Hi guys,
This morning I popped to the River Island S/S press day. Now you all know I'm a massive fan of River Island, and I get half of my dresses from there (they fit my shape like a dream) so I was especially excited to see what I would be wearing next season. Prepare for a picture heavy post:
These two pieces were from the Sugar collection: the most overtly feminine trend and my favourite one! It featured lots of lovely pastels, chiffons, applique flowes, and all of the fabrics were floaty and sheer. Some of these tops and dresses were just made to be toughened up with denim and leather: perfect!
The collection was divided into 6 trends: Miami, Spring Break, Prairie, Ehtnic, Purist, and Sugar.

The acid brights and extrovert patterns of the Miami trend were the most eyecatching (and looked the best in photographs too) although not to my personal tastes. I did however love all the beaded and embellished accessories of the ethnic trend: that oversized beaded bag has my name written all over it!

As I sit here typing, wearing a sea of black and smothered in cozy knitwear, I'm already beginning to see the appeal of a new lighter, brighter Spring wardrobe!

Love Tor xx

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Selfridges Christmas windows 2011

Hi guys,
Today is the first day that I have felt really Christmassy this year! First Reena (of Fashion Daydreams) invited me to the opening of the ice skating at Somerset House where we skated, drank hot chocolate, and ate yummy Tiffany's cupcakes. Then we indulged in my favourite Christmas retail experience: looking at the gorgeous Selfridges Christmas window display.

I have to say, the displays were much more minimalist this year than in previous years. In lieu of last year's moving Santas, this year each window was white, with a mixture of angels, reindeer, and much more emphasis on fashion:
Although I loved all of the white dresses and lust-worthy silver accessories, I have to say the sophisticated Christmas just isn't for me! My tree at home is covered in sequinned pink and purple decorations, and I love Christmas because it's the one time of year everything can be bright, garish, and tasteless. In a world where taste is everything, Christmas is like a blessed relief. I say bring back the pantomime theme of 2009: it was my absolute favourite window display of all time!

In my next journey into festivity, I will be attempting to construct a sleigh for my nephews Christmas presents using a cardboard box, some tin foil, and red sticky back plastic. I'll let you know how I get on....

Love Tor xx

Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily wear: New coat and new boots!

Hi guys,
Do you ever have one of those rare days when you leave the house and think "actually, I look pretty good today?" They don't happen to me that often (I'm more likely to have an "I hate my entire wardrobe day") but today is one of those lookin' good days!
Let's start with my yummy new boots from Sarenza; one of two pairs that arrived this week. They're by Rocketdog (not a brand I would ever normally look at) but I just fell in love with these clog ankle boots and their furry trim. They're so snug and cozy, they would be just perfect for clopming about in the snow! Until next Tuesday, Sarenza are having "7 frozen days" on their site: the cold weather is causing their prices to shrink, with discounts of up to 50% off available!

The other new aspect of my outfit is the coat which is Jonathan Saunders/Editions at Debenhams. I have admired this coat from afar for a while, but thought £115 was a little too expensive. However Debenhams are currently running their Christmas spectacular, with up to 40% off many lines, and this coat was one of them! Now just £69, I snapped it up yesterday, and I'm completely in love with it!

The rest of my outfit consists of my Betty Jackson Black satchel (also from Debenhams), a blouse and necklaces from Primark, and jeans from Topshop. Expect to see several variations of this outfit in upcoming months, because I am completely in love with it!

Love Tor xx

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is it too soon to mention Spring?

Hi guys,
If you don't want to hear about Spring already then it's time to close your eyes, because the S/S 2012 press days are well and truly in full swing: my calender for the next couple of weeks is so full of Spring events I'd be forgiven for forgetting all about Christmas! (Don't worry though, I haven't forgotten about it! I am currently constructing the mother of all gift guides!)

Last night I popped down to check out the Clothing at Tesco spring/summer collections. I'm a big fan of Clothing at Tesco: they're like Primark in that everything is so cheap they're a great place to try new trends, but at guilt-free prices.

Here are some of their new season offerings:
It's unlike me to say so, but it was the bold colours that most caught my eye: there was a red deconstructed blazer that I especially fell in love with, and plenty of mustard which always makes me happy. I also really liked the cream lace dress (in the second picture) which is just so deliciously flippy and feminine. As always the swimwear offering was also gorgeous - much to my disappointment, as it just doesn't fit my bust!

The final items that I really loved were the stripey midi-length pencil skirts (in pictures one and three). Now I confess that stripes for spring isn't particularly unique or fashion-forward, but the fabric was lovely, they looked great, and they'd be perfect teamed with simple tees for a work to play look.

I'm not ready for Spring yet (I'm too excited about Christmas, wearing my winter coat, and wrapping up in warm layers) but I am already getting some ideas about what I'll be wearing when it arrives!

Love Tor xx

Monday, November 14, 2011

In love with: The La Redoute Christmas collection

Hi guys,
Last week I was invited to Paris for the La Redoute press conference next week and I was gutted (truly gutted!) to have to say that I couldn't attend. Sob, sob, sniffle! But getting and rejecting that invitation did make me have a little peek at the La Redoute website for the first time in a little while, and for that I am a very grateful young lady, as I've just fallen in love with the La Redoute Christmas collection.
It's so refreshing to look at a brand's Christmas collection and not be confronted by an array of cheap sequins and lurex dresses. Whilst they definitely have their place (and the big Christmas dress post is coming!) actually, the festive period is about so much more than just parties: think cozy lunches, walks in the snow, and eating chocolate until you feel sick. And the La Redoute Christmas collection definitely reflects that.

I currently have a leather addiction, so I love the tan leather skirt, and have a minor obsession with the slightly shiny leather jacket: it's actually leather so smart you could wear it for work, as well as at the weekends - what's not to love?!
Grey cashmere jumper for £47.40? Erm, yes please! If I don't have one of those in my Christmas stocking next month, I will be a seriously disappointed girl! The orange Merino wool sweater is even cheaper at £31.50. It's amazing that you can find such incredible quality garments for such low prices: it just goes to show you don't always have to spend the big bucks to get the best quality.

Realistically, of course, if I was going to write a post about what we really wear at Christmas it would be full of pajamas. But when I make the effort and dress to impress over the festive period (whilst still being comfy and cozy of course) these are the kinds of outfits that I will be wishing I was wearing.

The thing about La Redoute is that it's accessible and desirable. My personal sense of style is at least ten degrees scruffier, but this is definitely the kind of look I aspire to. It's just so damn chic and French! Sigh....and if I were going to Paris next week, I'd be able to tell you about all things French first hand.....

Love Tor xxx

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Daily Wear: My new cropped fur jacket

Hi guys,
A quick Saturday post to share the outfit I wore today to pop for a long walk around the shops with my beautiful niece and nephew (and their mummies, of course!) I was really pleased with the way this outfit turned out, given I had less than 10 minutes to throw it together. It was the right mix of casual and fancy, if you ignore the biscuit crumbs I had lovingly rubbed into my leggings, of course:
I'm slightly in love with my new jacket, which is from AX Paris. When I picked a cropped fur jacket from the dazzlingly wide selection of dresses and jackets on their website, I envisaged myself wearing it over flippy party dresses this Christmastime; and it will look amazing with my new gold festive frock. But I've surprised myself by loving the way it looks casually too: it really smartens up blouses and leggings (my staple lazy weekend wear) and I can see myself wearing it over and over again this winter. It's super-warm, it fits like a dream, and it feels as soft as a newborn puppy too! I'm so fussy about new additions to my jacket collection, and it's not like me not to have a minor criticism or two, but I really can't think of anything negative to say.

I teamed the jacket with a long-line black vest and my leather panel leggings from Topshop, a leopard print blouse and tooth necklace from Primark, my Friis & Co satchel (c/o Sarenza) and my beaten up old clogs (also from Topshop). These clogs have been worn to death and they really need throwing away, but they're so comfortable and easy to slip on that I just can't myself to get rid of them!

I'm experimenting with growing my fringe out at the minute, but it's reaching that awful in-betweeny stage that always drives me back to the hairdressers to have the fringe cut back in. And ignore the unmovable bags under my eyes: that's what you get from sharing your flat with a newborn baby for the week!

Love Tor xx

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Primark A/W shoe and boot lust!

Hi guys,
Yesterday, for the first time in months, I popped down to Primark. They have some amazing things instore: all of their Christmas dresses, presents, and even decorations...Somehow I managed to spend £70 without even thinking about it! I picked up a gorgeous gold party dress (post to follow), 2 blouses, 3 necklaces, a cushion for my living room, and an oversized travel bag for my trip to Berlin next month.

But as always, the thing that left me most besotted were the shoes:
I love the tan boots with the reindeer lining: perfect for cozy winter walks. I actually almost got these for Berlin too, but resisted because I've ordered a gorgeous pair of boots from Sarenza instead, and I'm just waiting for them to arrive. For-sensible wear the rainbow coloured brogues were also fabulous: great for livening up the black opaque tights we'll all be wearing from now until next May!

Alot of the party heels were covered in too much cheap glitter for my liking, but I really liked the wall full of rich berry shade seude-like heels in the last picture. Refreshly, they looked comfortable too given their relatively low heels.

Sorry for my long absence last week, but it was for a very good reason: my little sister gave birth to a very handsome little boy (named Bertie Gerard) and as I was her birthing partner, I abandoned the blog to be with her every step of the way. It was worth every minute!

Love Tor xx

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guest Post: TKMaxx's hottest winter trends

Hi guys,
If I could list ‘designer-bargain-hunting’ as a hobby, it would probably be right up there, which is why, when TK Maxx asked if they could write a post about some of their favourite winter looks in store right now, I could hardly resist. So, are we in for a treat this season? Let’s find out…

From snuggly faux fur jackets to shearling coats, knitted gloves to the softest suede boots, this season we’re teaming tactile textures and layering up in winter’s warmest.

Foxy feet
Contrast fierce black leather and buckles with super-soft shearling or add a seventies vibe to your look with a pair of suede and faux fur knee-highs.
Photobucket Photobucket
Keep toes toasty with the warmest winter boots.
Brown knee-high suede boots, £99.99. Black wedge ankle boots, £79.99.

Hands up
Look-at-me gloves in a Fair Isle print or classic leather and faux fur will add some winter chic to your wardrobe.Photobucket
Gorgeous gloves in touchy-feely fabrics – yes please!
Leather and faux fur gloves, £19.99. Black and white woolen mittens, £9.99.

Bag it
Boring bags are a big no-no, up the fashion stakes with interesting prints, textures and embellishment.
Studs, prints, knits – this bag’s a total trend-ticker!
Leather and knitted shoulder bag, £19.99 (RRP £45)

Under wraps
Brrr! Beat the big chill with this season’s chicest take on cosy. Pop on a shearling number or a bright faux fur for maximum warmth, maximum wow.
Make some sweet savings on hundreds of winter coats.
Shearling coat, £79.99 (RRP £199). Purple faux fur jacket, £19.99 (RRP £55).

The items featured in this blog were found at the TK Maxx store, Charing Cross Road. Remember, there are fresh deliveries every day, so you’ll always find something new every time you visit. Go to tkmaxx.com to find your local store and to shop online for more of this season’s fashion.