Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Let's make promises we won't keep!


Hi guys,

Happy New Year! I always like New Year: it feels like being reborn, and you get the chance to change your life and try again. Having said that, I make half-hearted resolutions every year, but they never last more than a fortnight. That probably means there isn't anything I dislike enough about my life to really make an effort to change!

This year though, I am making three small resolutions that will make a massive difference to my bank balance: helping contribute towards the bigger resolution of significantly bumping up our savings account in 2012.

- No more impulse purchases. I own more clothes than any three people would need in a lifetime. And I know I can't resolve to give up shopping: I love it too much and I don't have the willpower! But I am resolving to think about my purchases, and only buy things I need, will use, and will fit into my existing wardrobe. No more Primark sprees for things I don't need, or popping into Topshop at lunchtime when I'm having a bad day!

- Taking sandwiches to work. OK, so I know it's not fashion-related, but I would recommend this to anyone trying to save some pennies! Do you know I spend approx £150 a month on lunch? And I'm not talking fabulous lunches: I mean soggy sandwiches or soups, crisps and fruit from Pret or Eat. When you can buy more than a week's worth of apples for £1, why would you buy just one from a Sandwich shop for 50p? I reckon taking my own lunches can save over £100 a month! For inspiration, use cute, colorful food containers to pack your lunch, which are often on sale.

- Regular wardrobe clear-outs. Sometimes my wardrobe gets so overcrowded, I can't see the wood from the trees and it makes it impossible to decide what to wear everyday (because all I can see are the things that don't fit/I don't like). So I intend to make regular wardrobe clear-outs great not only for my sartorial style, I also plan on making them great for my bank balance. Think car boot sales, ebaying, and maybe even the return of the Fabfrocks Shop!

Are you making any New Year's resolutions? And how long do you predict you'll keep them?

Love Tor xx

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