Monday, March 19, 2012

News from the Topshop Outlet

PhotobucketHi guys,
It's a sad, sad day. If fact, if I could be bothered, I would put a black border around the blog and declare a national day of discount-shopping mourning. For I am the bearer of bad news: The current Buy One Get One Free offer on all of the (already sale priced) items in the Topshop outlet store ends on the 31st March.

I don't know at this point what it will be replaced with: whether it will be a full price Topshop store, or disappear completely. Nor do I know what I'll do with my Saturday afternoon's when it's gone: I'll let you know the answers to all of these questions as soon as I do!

In the meantime, that leaves you with less than two weeks to head down there and check out the goodies: maybe even pick up some last-minute bargains!

In homage, why not check out some of my favourite Topshop outlet posts, including: The day I found leather brogues for £5 and Some seriously gorgeous new season knitwear

Love Tor x

*The Topshop Outlet is in the Broadwalk Centre in Edgware. If you are living nearby it's definitely worth checking out. However if you live further afield, it might not be worth a specific visit, as it is a very small store, and I can't guarentee the quality of stock.

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