Monday, April 16, 2012

How to wear a classic white shirt

Hi guys,
You may remember that a couple of months ago I wrote a little post about how I would style a white shirt, for shirting company TM Lewin. I choose to dress my shirt up with a little sparkle: shirting in the daytime has never really fitted in with my lifestyle. Well back in February, as part of the same TM Lewin campaign, I was invited to a photoshoot where I got to style my classic white shirt again. Here are the results:
Now I'm not much of a white shirt wearer (for me they're a rare piece in my wardrobe, rather than an everyday occurence) but here are a few tips from my point of view on how to wear a classic white shirt:

1. Make sure you get the fit right. A good shirt should sit on your shoulders, have room for two fingers inside your collar (any more and its too big, any less and its too small) and not gape at the bust. It's hard to find the shirt that fits right - like finding the perfect pair of jeans. But when you find it you'll know!

2. Don't make the mistake of thinking white shirts are only good for office wear. I would never wear a shirt during the daytime: it's too formal. Instead, my favourite way of wearing a white shirt is to team it with a sequinned mini skirt or fuller A line skirt and killer heels for a super-sexy evening look.

3.Acessorize, accessorize, accessorize! See your white shirt as a blank canvas: a wardrobe basic that needs some personality injecting into it to make it your own. It's amazing the difference a nice pair of cufflinks, oversized chunky necklace, or even a little ribbon bow like mine, can make to the look and feel of what is fundementally a really simple outfit.

Are you a white shirt wearer? How do you style yours? I'd love to here your ideas and tips!

Love Tor xx

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