Thursday, May 3, 2012

Object love of the day: Gold DKNY watch

Hi guys,
Since I got it at Christmas, my Marc Jacobs watch has been my most prized possession. I wear it every day and it goes with everything: and it's turned me into something of a gold watch magpie. I notice other people wearing gold watches on the tube. I lust after them in magazine spreads. I'm officially obsessed! So when asked if I wanted to review a watch from their website, how could I resist?
I had a hard time choosing because there were a couple of Fossil watches I really loved, but in the end I chose this DKNY watch complete with chronograph, pearl dial, and diamante around the watch face. I chose it because it's more of a dressy/evening watch that my Marc Jacobs one, and now I have a watch for every occasion!

Like all watches I had to have a couple of links taken out of it, but i'm in love with it already. It's reassuringly heavy, it is thick and chunky (which has the added benefit of making my wrist look tiny) and it's a great outfit focal point. I've been wearing it since it arrived. In fact, I've only taken it off because unless you're a contortionist it's almost impossible to take a photo of your own wrist! As an aside, it was really well packaged, and it also arrived (from the USA) in less than five days: I definitely wasn't expecting that!

What's your most prized possession? Do you have a watch you love, or something else you wear every day and couldn't live without?

Love Tor x

Disclaimer: I received a watch from Watch Co for the purposes of this review

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