Saturday, August 15, 2009

Satur-daily wear

Today is a lazy day: I have popped to the post office to send off some ebay parcels, designed some new business cards, and had a lovely lunch in pizza express. The weather is also being lazy, and has been from hot to cold in the blink of an eye, making deciding what to wear a nightmare. In the end, I went for summery florals with lots of black and comfy boots thrown in:

Floral playsuit, river island, belt and biker boots, primark, bag, vintage.
I think that adding the black sweaters and leggings will be the perfect way of getting a little more wear out of all the summer dresses I brought in anticipation of some sunny weather! And I love this playsuit - even if I am just wearing it to lounge around my living room writing this and watching E.T!
Have a great weekend everybody!

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