Friday, February 19, 2010

LFW AW10: Saffron Knight show review

Paul Costello kicked London Fashion Week off to a flying start this morning, however my fashion week experience started with more than a whimper than a bang. At Saffron Knight the models weaved sultrily down the runway in vibrant wigs and intense eyebrows. Some of the prints were very beautiful (they were all hand printed) and the layers added texture and depth.



However, neither conceptual nor particularly wearable, I found the collection disappointing. I think it was the white ruffles that I disliked most. Although technically the clothes seemed well made they were ill-fitting on the models and had too much going on in terms of both the fabrics and the details.


I was disappointed with this show although I hate writing negative reviews. This is Saffron's first solo LFW outing and i'm sure things can only get better but sadly, I think things do need to get better to persuade me into liking the brand.

What do you think?

Love, Tor xx

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