Monday, June 21, 2010

Etsy obsession of the week: Bring me robots!

Today's etsy obsession is on a theme, rather than from a particular shop. I have an inner geek that loves Star Wars, watching old cartoons, and robots: so imagine my delight when in the etsy "geekery" section I found a whole area dedicated to robots. I couldn't resist scouring through every single page, and oohing and ahhing over all the robot goodies I could fill my house with! Here are my three picks of the best robot shops that etsy has to offer:
Beatup creations Star Wars plates. I am so in love with these! The individual plates are around $40. The cake serving plate set with cake stand is $250. With a tea set like this i'd have tea parties every single day: and if anything is going to entice boys into enjoying the essentially girly activity of afternoon tea and cakes then it's got to be the heady mix of cake and Star Wars. I can't explain how excited I was when I saw these: I want it all!
Sweetheartsinner creations necklaces. These necklaces are all handmade using old movie posters: if you're not a robot geek like me you can also pick up Audrey Hepburn, pin up girls, Victoriana, and a whole host of wonderful black and white movies too. Each necklace comes in at $7.00, which is an absolute bargain: so good, you don't have to choose just one!
Stars and Robots pillows. The first thing you notice about these pillows is how cute their little robot faces are: it almost looks like they're smiling. The robots are made from left-over fabrics and recycled clothing and at $12 each, they'd make a really great present too!

I can't get enough of robots; I even bought robot fabric to make new pillows for our study/spare room. Now, if I get my way, they'll be making their way into the kitchen and living room too!

Love, Tor xx

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