Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sex and the City 2: The Movie review

Last night my sister and I went to see the new Sex and the City movie. I was looking forward to it, but apprehensively: every single review i'd read had been awful, so I didn't want to expect alot. I think that is the way to approach the film, because with my low expectations I actually found I had a great time!
In a recent interview SJP decribed the film as "a romp" and that's exactly what it was: I laughed out loud several times (usually at Samantha) I despaired at Carrie's hopelessness (and at the sometimes wince inducing plot) and I left the theatre feeling somewhat fulfilled. Some parts of the story were cut off too quickly, and the storyline that lead them to the Middle East in the first place was thin and patchy to say the least. But if you suspend your disbelief and accept it for what it is then I think you can still have a good night out with "the girls" (Isn't it ridiculous to call women in their 50s girls!?) The film franchise will never live up to the TV series for me, but in whatever way its nice to watch characters you love grow and develop, even if it isn't in the way you would've chosen for them.

The fashion though, was fabulous: it felt like some scenes had only been added as set pieces for Patrica Field to show what she could do. The big gay wedding (between two characters that hated each other - did I miss something?!) and the trekking across the desert on camels (yes, I felt your collective sigh) were costume high points, but plot-line low points. (Although Liza Minelli was incredible and we left the cinema still singing Beyonce because of her!) The scene where Miranda and Charlotte have a heart to heart about motherhood is touching, and could have been made much more of: the dresses they wear in that scene are fantastic too! SJP wears ALOT of Halston (predictably) and this actually means that for me she isn't the best or most interestingly dressed character in the film: look to the other ladies for your sartorial inspiration!

Speaking of the fashion, you might remember aages ago I showed you my Carrie Bradshaw-style Fabfrocks name necklace. Well Carrie still wears hers all the way through the latest film, and if you're still thinking of getting your hands on one (your name not Carries, unless you're a super-fan!) then I still recommend mynamenecklace who made mine. They're also started doing them in Arabic Script: yet more inspiration from the Sex and the City franchise! I wish i'd remembered to put mine on yesterday, but as we went straight from work we didn't get to dress up and do our homage to Bradshaw: next time (and there will be a next time: I predict that this franchise isn't dead yet!)

Have you been to see the film yet? I'd love to know what you think!
Love, Tor xx

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