Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The big bloggers night out!

I'm a bit late to the table with this, and others have written it up much better than I can, but Friday evening saw a big fashion bloggers dinner: other twenty bloggers gathered round to gossip, drink cocktails, and eat too much dim sum. It all happened thanks to Fiona of Save our Shoes. And it was lovely! One of the best things about blogging is the sense of community it brings to what could be a lonely hobby, and it's nice to put faces to names, and meet people you talk to virtually.

Dunce that I am, I left my camera at home, but here are some pictures taken from my iphone:
Pictured are Fiona, Reena of Fashion Daydreams and Kristabel of I Want You to Know, and all the other bloggers enjoying their cocktails! As always it was lovely to catch up with Jenny from The Style PA, whom I sat with during dinner. And I met and learnt about a whole host of other blogs including: Frankie of Swell Vintage, and Alex of Alex Loves. There were so many other blogs and bloggers that it was overwhelming: hopefully next time i'll get to say hello to more lovely ladies!

I think it's fair to say though, that a great night was had by all. I can't wait to do it again!

Love, Tor xx

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