Monday, August 16, 2010

Sarenza competition: And the winner is....

The Sarenza team have shortlisted the finalists for the £60 voucher giveaway, and it's time for me to pick a winner. It was a tough decision, as there were lots of lovely ladies who genuinely deserved new shoes! The finalists (and their comments) were:

There once was a time (i.e. last year!) when I was so broke that I had to return a pair of shoes so that I could buy groceries at Sainsburys! They looked a lot like these gorgeous ones:
Now I am in a better place, found a great job and am slowly saving for bigger and better things. I took a photo of the shoes I returned, because I loved them THAT much! To be able to use the voucher towards buying these shoes would be like redemption for hard work.
And you know what the sad thing is? The shoes I returned were from Primark! Yes, I was so broke I needed to recover that whopping £15!
I would love to win as Sarenza send me emails daily, tempting me with their gorgeous shoes that I just can't afford at the moment! But boy, do I love their shoes!!

Charlotte ...
I don't often get the chance to buy myself new shoes, lack of pennies. But since the hard work to lose weight is paying off, a treat in the form of shoes wouldn't go a miss :).
Christina Sanders...
Wow, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win. I have had to spend every penny I have on trying to get my hair from red back to blond and now I have nothing left for clothes or shoes!
I have just started my first proper job in a fashion house as a design assistant and I don't get paid for a month and therefore cannot afford to buy any new shoes. I am the fashion tramp! I would put this voucher to bloody good use! :)

And the winner is...MissMalibu! I remember starting my first job and the awful "do I have enough bus fare to get to work" moments that came with it....hopefully new shoes will get you through to your first payday, and ensure you have the best dressed feet in the office! Drop me a line with your email in it, and the Sarenza team can get your voucher off to you. It must be Fabfrocks shoe week, as I have another post going up this evening, where I will be showing off my three new pairs of shoes! Yum, and yay!

Love, Tor xx

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