Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bonfire night on the London Eye with Aussie

Hi guys,
Sorry for my absence- i've been at wedding planning HQ (aka my mum's house in Skegness) to organise wedding things, and check out all the exciting crafty stuff mum's been working on for the wedding: it was an amazing few days!

But now it's time to get back to business! I know bonfire night seems like ages ago, and we're all officially thinking about Christmas (the Coke advert has been on the telly, so that must be true!) but nonetheless, here's a recap of the amazingness that I got up to on the night:
Aussie had invited us to the London Eye to celebrate bonfire night with them, combined with the launch of their new take the heat range. I had never been on the London Eye before, so it was especially amazing for me: London looked beautiful, and I kept saying over and over how awe inspiring it was that this city is where I live! I just wished my camera was better, because every time I tried to take pictures the flash bounced back off the thick glass! The only bad thing about the evening was that I couldn't stay longer and hang out more with the other Aussie Angels: we had to head to Norwich at 6am the next morning to make a 9am appointment, which meant no late nights or drinking for me because of the early drive. Boo!!

Here's what I wore for the occassion:
Cardigan: Miss Selfridge, Dress: Topshop, Belt: Primark, Shoes: Topshop. I fancied this up (very slightly) from a work outfit to an evening one by piling on masses of jewellery!

As I mentioned before, we were challenged to wear our very best hair, but the rainy day meant that mine had fallen flat before I arrived at the event. Still at least I liked my outfit. Head to toe in black might not be the most flattering colour combo, but it will always be my favourite!

Love, Tor xx

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