Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Whats in the window: Diesel

Hi guys,
We all know I love nothing more than a good window display (Maybe in a former life I was a window dresser!) so when I was sent these pictures of Diesel's Christmas window displays, how could I not share?
My immediate reaction was that it was a very pagan and dark take on Christmas: not a Santa Claus or bauble in sight! I loved the climbing trees though, which reminded me of a scene from one of the darker fairy tales: think Little Red Riding Hood. According to the press release, it is "a seething mass of eldritch foliage which imagines a pagan journey to the temple of Diesel Black Gold" These pics are from the New Bond Street store.

I know everyone is talking about the Lanvin collaboration today, not window displays, but sadly I don't have a success story to share. Whilst everyone and his dog was joining the endless queue on Regents street this morning I had to be sat in the office, just a torturous 50 yards away. Do people take time of work to get their hands on these designer collaborations, I wonder, or are they only bought by freelancers, bloggers, and students who don't have somewhere to be at 9am on a Tuesday? If I had been able to get anything I would have liked the Tshirt dress with the ruffled collar, the yellow dress, and some of the jewellry. I'll be popping down later to see what's left over, but I won't be holding my breath!

Love, Tor xx

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