Monday, September 22, 2008

Paws and Claws

Hello blogosphere,

Well, they didn't give Kristin Chenoweth an Emmy so my entourage and I stormed out fairly early on in the ceremony. I was disappointed indeed to note the lack of monkey dresses on the Red Carpet. Hollywood needs to catch up quick-smart to my style acumen or risk looking hopelessly passe. Still: 4 good (or at least a little interesting) ones:

Christina Hendricks ("Mad Men")

America Ferrera ("Ugly Betty")

Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men)

Laura Dern

You'll notice I'm giving "Mad Men" props to two cast members. This is an example of media bias. To be honest, Christina Hendricks is the only one of all these who gives me chills and it's mostly boob-related. America Ferrera is doing vintage glam of which Wigmore also approves (plus, red lipstick, people. Live it. Love it.)

You'll see also that we've got the lovely Peggy Olsen (or to call her by her earth name - Elisabeth Moss). She's working the red lip and her own special brand of glorious frump. I'm obsessed with Hollywood jolie-laide. It's a real rarity and I love her so much for it. Laura Dern is included cuz a pockets. Love me some gown pouches and on a David Lynch lady to boot.

But p'eh. Still, you don't look at the Emmys and expect Vogue Italia. 48% less nipple for a start. If you want someone who's actually good at this stuff see Red Carpet Fashion Awards. The woman who runs that is some bizarre Yoda of catwalk and she'll analyse and critique beyond your wildest dreams.

Speaking of catwalk and a lack of monkeys, I'm noticing a curious proliferation of anamorphisation. Who'd a thought the Spring/Summer 09 would so zoo-ey?



Moschino Cheap & Chic


Armani Prive


Just Cavalli


Armani Prive


Both Christopher Kane



This all pleases me no end. It's funny how a horned shoe can make a person immediately lighter of heart. I just hope Prada does something with wombats. My trend spotting spidey-sense is telling me that their moment is nigh...

Look at him. In Milan, everyone travels by ten-year-old girl.


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