Friday, January 9, 2009

Oooh, is that a band wagon?....

…grnnthhphhh! (that by the way was the sound of me heaving myself onto the aforementioned bandwagon!)

So, I’ve read about her “long awaited” arrival at London fashion week on every media source I’ve turned to over the past couple of days, so now it seems it’s time for me to have a look. I’ve never paid much attention to twenty8twelve by Sienna Miller, so I duly turned to the magic of the internet for pictures of the previous collections and to find out more

For a woman who’s supposed to be the nations favourite style icon (or is that Kate Moss this week? I get so confused!) I’m really not all that impressed! As I hope you’ll also note, there A/W08 collection looks like a middle of the road range from a high street store aimed at 30 something’s desperate not to rock any boats:

This is the first outfit you come to on the site. It's not exactly inspiring is it? It's immediately followed by these:
All of the pieces are affiable, innoffensive. In fact, I even found 2 outfits from last seasons collection I can imagine myself wearing in their entirity:
I particularly like the skull print t shirt teamed with the textured knitwear. If I saw that in Primark, I’d probably pick it up. But that’s the problem isn’t it? Twenty8twelve isn’t pitching itself alongside the Primarks and Topshops and Debenhams of this world. In showing at London Fashion Week they are pitching themselves against the big guns, and expectations will be high. The number of people sitting and waiting to pounce with the criticism will be even higher. And skinny jeans and slouchy knitwear is definitely not going to cut it.
So I hope the collection they are showing in February is at least 100 times better than what they’re showcasing on their website. I hope it really blows us all away. Because sadly it will have to before anyone less than the sycophantic writes anything nice about it.
So far i'm unimpressed. ButFingers crossed.
Love, Tor xx

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