Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Primark pick of the week #2

Well, this was supposed to be a weekly feature, but it didn't really work out that way, did it? Have no fear however, because I have wrapped myself on the knuckles and made the solemn promise that I Must Try Harder.

Today's pick of the week is a double whammy, as it comes to you courtesy not only of Primarks much underestimated shoe department, but also their sale:

I picked these gorgeous ankle boots up for a mere £6 last night and I have to say i'm a little in love with them (I know, I know, i'm a little in love with something different every day!) The heel is a little narrow for my liking but the oversized bow and the metallic silver detail at the top of the heel? What's not to love?! I've teamed them with black leggings, socks and comfy fluffy insoles, and I have my fingers crossed that they don't start hurting by the end of the day - we have 3 flats to view tonight, and I don't want my legs giving up before I do.
I for one can't wait for the contracts to be signed so the deposit can get paid and my primark spending can resume its normal frenzied quantity. Last night when trying to take pictures for your viewing pleasure I was nastily informed that I couldn't take photos in store. And then when my sister and I were divvying up the stuff in our shared basket we were told that wasn't allowd either. Since when did shopping in primark take on the qualities of living in a particularly nasty prison?
So that's decided. With these new rules in place, unless I start spending again you'll never see fabulous pictures of all the wonderful things Primark has in stock. Its a duty and a chore, but someone's got to do it!
Tor x

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