Monday, July 6, 2009

Anything TRAID can do....

...Oxfam can try to do better! Back in May I wrote about TRAID's remake and reuse workshops, and what a good idea I thought they were (i'm trotting off to one next month actually!) but it seems that Oxfam have seen their good idea, and taking it a step further!
Oxfam is introducing a new competition inviting the public to create their own customised garment from old clothing or recycled materials and have it judged by renowned British stylist Mrs Jones. For Oxfam DIY's new online fashion resource, entrants are invited to use materials from their own wardrobe or an Oxfam store and submit a photo of their customised item, modelled by themselves or a friend, to the competition page on Flickr. The winning designer will have a one-of-a-kind item created especially for them by Mrs Jones. The top five shortlisted designs will be featured on the Oxfam DIY website.
To give us all inspiration, Mrs Jones created 30 unique pieces, modifying clothes she found in Oxfam stores:
That incredible jumpsuit was a shirt with the sleeves making the legs and the collar turned into pockets!
Ethical, sustainable, a lot of fun, and there's a chance of winning a prize?? Count me in -I have a wardrobe full of old clothes and this could well have inspired me to get creative!
Find out more on the Oxfam website.
Love, Tor x

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