Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fabfrocks Reviews: Blank necklace from

I'd never heard of until last week, when they dropped me an email asking me to check out their site and (even more excitingly) choose a piece from the site to review for you guys. Obviously I said yes, and hotfooted it over to the site to find out what it was all about: I was pleasantly surprised to find a unique website stocking gorgeous items you really wouldn't find anywhere else. Nothing on the site is mass produced, and some of the pieces are even one-offs!

After much prevarication amongst the many pages of beautiful things, I chose a necklace from Blank London, and was massively surprised (in a good way) when the necklace turned up the very next day!
I was so excited when the necklace arrived: It came in a beautiful box, which made it feel especially luxurious, as I hardly ever have jewellery that doesn't come on a plastic hanger which says Freedom @ Topshop on it! But I was even more excited when I opened up the box: the necklace is beautiful! It smells of leather, it clinks satifactorily when you move it, it's heavy and it looks great. I love chunky oversized jewellery, so for me this was an instant hit.
There were only two of these necklaces available on the site, and it makes me feel really special to know that I am wearing something that is such a limited-edition, there is only one other person in the world I can bump into that would have it: unlike shopping in topshop or primark, where you'd have to walk down the street with your eyes closed if you wanted to avoid seeing someone else wearing your new top!

I love this site, and my new necklace: I can see it becoming my go-to piece of statement jewellery this winter. More pictures of this are coming shortly, as I wore it yesterday when I was filmed for a very special competition that's coming soon. And I love it so much i'm wearing it today too!

Love, Tor xx

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