Monday, October 11, 2010

It's wool week at Selfridges

They say you learn a new thing every day, and I just learned that today is the first day of wool week (which runs 11-17 October) Wool week is a brand new initiative backed by the Prince of Wales to promote the British wool industry. And it couldn't really come at a better time as I (and I suspect half the country) am obsessed with wool at the moment, and can only think of interesting knitwear!

Selfridges are really throwing themselves behind wool week, which lots of events in store this week: i'm really hoping i'll have time to pop down and check at least one of them out! There will be a yarn bombing event with various locations around the store being covered in knitted wool. And (the most exciting bit) you can actually help create a knitted house, a work in progress throughout Wool Week. You’re invited to join in creating the knitted cover for the house, as well as decorate it, with wool kindly donated by Rowan and Coats.

Of course you can also buy a wide range of knitwear (as usual) and the store will also be launching a Scarf on a Roll – simply tell the scarf folks how long you want your scarf to be (one, two or three metres), they'll cut it to size and you pay for different lengths. The unique 100% wool knit, knitted in Scotland, means that it won’t fray.

In honour of wool week, I am going to try and wear lovely knits every day this week, and if I don't run out of steam by tomorrow, I'll document my efforts in blog form at the weekend! Join me!?

Love, Tor xx

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