Wednesday, September 2, 2009

PRPS collaborates with Start*

* As in Brix Smith Start of Start Boutique!

I'm not an expert on denim brands; I very rarely even wear jeans. In fact, I only own one pair and although I love them, I rarely wear them out the house. So i'm definitely not one to judge the jeans in the new PRPS/Start collaboration (nice as they look!), which launches tomorrow night.
I am, however, in a position to lust soo hard after this cute-but-tough biker jacket with it's gorgeous studded heart detail on the back:

Yum, yum, and double yum (with a cherry on the top!) In the blurb about the collection, Brix said “I’ve studied and been aware of almost every denim label on the planet and Prps is simply the best, the coolest, the Rolls Royce of denim. When they asked me to collaborate with them I screaming at the top of my lungs with excitement. And thus, Prps Heart Start was born.”

Now, I am prepared to confess that i'm rather in love with Brix Smith Start, or at least, with her TV persona (we've never met!) She is certainly a match for beloved Gok on his fashion fix and almost every week I agree with at least something she says about buying investment pieces over shopping on the highstreet- although she takes it to price extremes I could never even imagine, and I happen to love the highstreet! I think the collection will go down well with the various young, hip trendsters often associated with the START boutiques.
Now if someone could just lend me the £850 I would need for (no, not my rent but, you guessed it..) that jacket! Sigh. But if you do have the dosh to blow on either the jacket or the jeans then both are exclusive to START Boutique instore and online.
Love, Tor xx

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