Monday, September 7, 2009

What's in the window: the Brent Cross edition

Brent Cross is the nearest shopping centre to my house, so it is often the place I pop if I want a tiny taster shopping trip but to be honest, I was very disapointed with their store windows. Each seemed very formulaic and there was no real creativity or flair like the windows I saw last week on Oxford Street.
Nonetheless, here is the best of the selection:
River Island menswear
Office. Mmmm, shoes!
Acessorize. Of all the winters I think this is the best one, and it's the visual that makes it.
You see what I mean? I wonder if this is why Malls generally feel so soulless; because everything is so uniform and no real effort is made to present the stores as a present (its weird I know, but I like my stores to be a gift!) or create an atmosphere.
Here's hoping next weeks edition of what's in your window will look better and come from somewhere a little more exciting! Where do you suggest?
Love, Tor xx

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