Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New feature; What's in the window!

Even when I was a very little girl I used to love looking in shop windows; it's an obsession that's only gotten worse as i've got older! I think window dressing is an art, and the window represents a huge installation. A really great window doesn't only make you want to shop, it sometimes takes your breath away; nothing makes me more excited than a new window display at Selfridges, for example! I remember once watching a late night tv show (back in my student days!) about the window dressers at Selfridges, but cant for the life of me think what it was called!
I also think that when you go to a new city (especially in a different country) a quick walk down the nearest highstreet peeking in all the windows is the perfect way to find out what is in Vogue, and what the people you're going to meet will be wearing!
To celebrate my love of what goes on outside of our highstreet stores i've started a new fabfrocks feature; what's in the window! Once a week (or whenever I hit the shops!) I will take pictures of the front of the windows I like best and post them here for your viewing pleasure. And feel free to get involved! If you see a window you love then take a quick picture and send it over to me; the contact box is to your right!
Here are my picks of the week:
River Island (I want a top hat with a pony on it!)
Pull and Bear: Zara:I really wanted to also share photos from the 2109 window display in Selfridges, but sadly (due to poor organisation!) my camera had died by the time I got to that end of Oxford street: definitely one to save for next time though!
Now show me your windows!
Love, Tor xx

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