Friday, September 4, 2009

Treasure hunt competition: a night in pictures

Some of the photos are mine, and some are from the gofinditdotnet flickr album (sadly, its probably easy to work out which is which!!)

Last night was the night of the Ford KA Treasure hunt at the south bank JoY store. I met lovely fabfrocks winner Hayley (who is pictured above in the blue and who, by the way, is a very decisive shopper and put me to shame!) before the event, and then we went on to the party where we supped champagne, munched on cupcakes and shop, shop, shopped!

It was lovely to meet the 13 other bloggers that were involved in the competition (and of course their wonderful winners!) and an amazing and surreal treat to have a whole shop to ourselves in which to complete our own personal shopping!
We each hunted for our tiny Ford Ka's and once found exchanged them for JoY vouchers. And there's nothing to love more than free shopping! I choose an oversized bag, slouchy cardigan and titi madam deer necklace. Hayley choose the same cardigan, a gorgeous powder blue body bag and 2 pairs of earrings. It was a very fun and rewarding evening all round!
Bet you wish you'd entered the competition now, don't you? Well fear not, because you can still get involved! As part of their gofindit initiative, every Friday for the rest of September, Ford will be hiding their tiny cars in JoY stores all over the country. All you have to do is head instore and find one! These cars can be exchanged for vouchers worth £10 all month except on the last Friday when they will be worth £100! I know where i'll be on September 25th...I can't stop thinking about those shoes I put back!
Love, Tor x

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