Monday, September 28, 2009

What's your front row look?

Hi guys,
I think I was dead right when I said after my first LFW last year that people either go to fashion weeks to see, or to be seen. I am definitely in the first category: my look is far too generic and mainstream to interest any of the street snappers, and after spending day 1 dying in what would be considered "mild" heels, I soon resorted to wearing leggings and pumps, safe in the knowledge that noone cared one little bit what I was wearing anyway!
However, if I were rich and famous/influential and important/the editor of Vogue, then I know what front vow look I would go for: I would go for the off duty rock chick that I often try to sport with varying degrees of sucess! Although i'm not her biggest fan, Peaches Geldof is pulling this off to perfection at the Unique show sporting a new season TS Unique playsuit (naturally!) Jean Charles de Castlebjac shoes which I am fairly in love with and a mulberry bag. Because everyone in London fashion seems to be having a love affair with Mulberry this month. I'll have to investigate this further!

Maybe Peaches has been taking tips from her galpal (and one of my minor obsessions) Alexa Chung? That's a lady who always looks gorgeous so effortlessly.
Another look I think I could pull of with aplomb is the magazine editor look: head to toe black in interesting shapes (and obviously painfully thin!) Chic and understated and glamorous and a little too cool for school: thats the fashion editor look! I already have a wardrobe full of black clobber, so i'm probably halfway there! One magazine editor I wouldn't want to look like though is Anna Wintour. Wouldn't mind her job of course! It always amazes me that the high preistess of fashion would dress so badly. So much lilac on a woman of her age and complexion is a recipe for disaster! And am I the only one that thinks her severe bob looks a little like a wig?!
Anyway, enough of my obsessing about celebrities: I have important fashion things to be doing! I'm so busy and important and influential! Cough! OR I'm scurrying off to have lunch with my sister and a quick peek in topshop. You decide!
Love Tor xx

PS - did anyone else drink a truck-load of that free vitamin water during fashion week? And kind of miss it now? And wonder if Peaches was clever/vapid enough to deliberately choose her berry bottle to draw attention to her new berry coloured hair? It's a question overload!!

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